The long decline of peasant culture

The peasant culture is an ancient culture, decanted over centuries of interaction between human communities and the natural environment. This close relationship between humans and the land, in addition to the historical circumstances in Galicia, gave rise to the creation of a rich, dense, peculiar anthropology, to a way of being in the world.

The process of modernization  meant the gradual abandonment of the country in favor of the towns and cities, and the replacement of traditional worldview for other knowledge and imaginary.

In this session we ask, of the hand of Uxío Novoneyra, how much of that world still exists, and from a more technical or scientific view, what awaits to our country in the near future.


12:00 | Lecture: Olga Novo

Poet, essayist, translator and professor of Galician language in the University of Haute Bretagne and of literature at the University of Southern Brittany. In poetry, he won the Dieguez Losada award in 1998 and the Spanish Critics Award in 2011. As a researcher he received, among others, the Ánxel Fole Award in 2004 for his book "Uxío Novoneyra. Lingua Loaira" (Fundación Caixa Galicia, 2005).

12:45 | Exhibition: Xoán López Facal

Industrial engineer and economist, he has been chief financial officer of SODIGA, member of the writing team of “La economía gallega” (CIEF – Caja Galicia) and member of Galician Parliament for PSG-EG. One of the main Galician intellectuals, possessing a solid humanistic training.

13:15 | Storytelling: Celso F. Sanmartín

Apart from an extraordinary poet, Celso is probably the Galician narrator more rooted in peasant culture, and without doubt the most inspired today. This session will spin a bundle of fretted tender stories that evoke the village in time of our grandparents.

Literature & Thought
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